Peder Bent Ahrens – Telefonguide om uopfordret virksomhedskontakt

Peder Bent Ahrens – Ring og stil spørgsmål

Du bør som en del af din jobsøgningsstrategi, være i telefonisk kontakt med virksomheder, hvor du kunne være en kommende medarbejder, mener Peder Bent Ahrens.

Når du som aktivt jobsøgende, ringer til virksomhederne, viser du ifølge Peder Bent Ahrens, et engagement og et mod. Dette tager virksomhederne faktisk særdeles positivt, hvor du positivt vil blive husket af virksomhederne.

Læs mere Peder Bent Ahrens – Telefonguide om uopfordret virksomhedskontakt

Peder Bent Ahrens – Phone Guide for unsolicited business contact

Peder Bent Ahrens – Call and ask questions

You should as part of your job search strategy, be in telephone contact with the companies where you could be a future employee, says Peder Bent Ahrens.

When you as an active job seekers, calling the companies, shows according to Peder Bent Ahrens, commitment and courage. This takes business very positively, where you will be remembered by the companies.

Therefore, Peder Bent Ahrens here is a brief guide as a suggestion you can use when you want to call spontaneously to companies.

Læs mere Peder Bent Ahrens – Phone Guide for unsolicited business contact

Peder Bent Ahrens about the project with veterans in the job after the repatriation

Peder Bent Ahrens – Veterans in job after the repatriation

On Flag Day September 5, 2014 started up a project between companies, a local veteran association and the job center. Many employers have, as Peder Bent Ahrens, a link with the Army, the Navy and Air Force.

This association is awakened with interest when a job seeker on his CV provides information on completed compulsory military service in the Army, the Navy and the Air Force or of a career at one of the three services.

Læs mere Peder Bent Ahrens about the project with veterans in the job after the repatriation

Peder Bent Ahrens – Employ formerly soldiers of the Armed Forces in your business

Peder Bent Ahrens – About the employment of soldiers into civilian

For those who are responsible for recruitment.

Peder Bent Ahrens will be here to help you make a good decision.
If you continue reading, as you sit most likely with an application from an officer, a sergeant or a professional soldier.

If you continue reading, as you sit most likely with an application from an sergeant, an officer or a  soldier.

Læs mere Peder Bent Ahrens – Employ formerly soldiers of the Armed Forces in your business

Peder Bent Ahrens – When the job interview is about your salary

Peder Bent Ahrens – When the job interview is about your salary

You are seated at the interview, where you have the feeling that everything is fine between you and your possible future employer. So the conversation will always take the direction where I need to talk about your salary.

Læs mere Peder Bent Ahrens – When the job interview is about your salary

Peder Bent Ahrens – Dér hvor det handler om løn

Peder Bent Ahrens – Gode råd til din lønforhandling

Du sidder til jobsamtalen, hvor du har en fornemmelse, at det går fint mellem dig og din eventuelle kommende arbejdsgiver. Så vil samtalen altid tage den retning, hvor I skal tale om din løn.

Dér, er det ifølge Peder Bent Ahrens vigtigt, at du har forberedt i forhold til at tale om lønnen – Denne forberedelse kan være et vigtigt parameter, for at du også dér i samtalen kommer sikkert igennem.

Læs mere Peder Bent Ahrens – Dér hvor det handler om løn

Peder Bent Ahrens – To sustain the reader’s interest for your job application

Peder Bent Ahrens – Important to maintain interest

When you at the digital job advertising portals find what vacancy you want to put your candidacy in on, It is according to Peder Bent Ahrens important that your job application and CV is targeted specifically to the company.

When you read the small print vacancy, so be aware of the company’s parlance – The remaining technical terms for your subject and expressions concerning personal skills – these statements, you should booklet you know evaluates Peder Bent Ahrens here.

Læs mere Peder Bent Ahrens – To sustain the reader’s interest for your job application

Peder Bent Ahrens – At fastholde læserens interesse for din jobansøgning

Peder Bent Ahrens - Vigtig at fastholde interessen
Peder Bent Ahrens – Vigtig at fastholde interessen

Når du på de digitale job annonceringsportaler, finder dét stillingsopslag, du så gerne vil lægge dit kandidatur ind på, er det ifølge Peder Bent Ahrens vigtigt, at din jobansøgning og dit CV er målrettet specifikt til virksomheden.
Når du nærlæser stillingsopslaget, så vær opmærksom på virksomhedens sprogbrug – Det værende fagudtryk for dit fag og udtryk der omhandler personlige kompetencer – Disse udsagn, bør du hæfte dig ved, vurderer Peder Bent Ahrens her.

Læs mere Peder Bent Ahrens – At fastholde læserens interesse for din jobansøgning

Peder Bent Ahrens – Already in the company’s reception, considered your entry

Peder Bent Ahrens - You be assessed from the start
Peder Bent Ahrens – You be assessed from the start

When you are going for job interviews, you are considered from the second you come in the door in the company. About the receptionist, will be asked about how your entrance fee was experienced, can certainly be a factor included in the overall view of you as a future employee, according to Peder Bent Ahrens.

Læs mere Peder Bent Ahrens – Already in the company’s reception, considered your entry

Peder Bent Ahrens – Allerede i virksomhedens reception, betragtes du

Peder Bent Ahrens - Du vurderes fra starten
Peder Bent Ahrens – Du vurderes fra starten

Når du skal til jobinterview, bliver du betragtet fra det sekund, du kommer ind ad døren i virksomheden. Om receptionisten, vil blive spurgt om hvordan din entré blev oplevet, kan sagtens være en faktor der medtages i den samlede betragtning af dig som en kommende medarbejder, ifølge Peder Bent Ahrens.

Læs mere Peder Bent Ahrens – Allerede i virksomhedens reception, betragtes du