Peder Bent Ahrens – Phone Guide for unsolicited business contact

Peder Bent Ahrens – Call and ask questions

You should as part of your job search strategy, be in telephone contact with the companies where you could be a future employee, says Peder Bent Ahrens.

When you as an active job seekers, calling the companies, shows according to Peder Bent Ahrens, commitment and courage. This takes business very positively, where you will be remembered by the companies.

Therefore, Peder Bent Ahrens here is a brief guide as a suggestion you can use when you want to call spontaneously to companies.

Læs mere Peder Bent Ahrens – Phone Guide for unsolicited business contact

Peder Bent Ahrens – When the job interview is about your salary

Peder Bent Ahrens – When the job interview is about your salary

You are seated at the interview, where you have the feeling that everything is fine between you and your possible future employer. So the conversation will always take the direction where I need to talk about your salary.

Læs mere Peder Bent Ahrens – When the job interview is about your salary

Peder Bent Ahrens – Using references in your job search

Peder Bent Ahrens - Referencer gør dig sikrere i din jobsøgning
Peder Bent Ahrens – Referencer gør dig sikrere i din jobsøgning

On your CV, you should have a field – References – where Peder Bent Ahrens suggest you write: “References can provide information on the initiative.” But it is not enough just to write this, but it is important that you as a jobseeker really have some references that can give you a good statement to your prospective employer.

Læs mere Peder Bent Ahrens – Using references in your job search

Peder Bent Ahrens – Organize your work plan

Peder Bent Ahrens - Organize a good work plan
Peder Bent Ahrens – Organize a good work plan

The situation is that you are job seekers and to relate to the life where job seekers should relate to the unemployment fund and the job center – sometimes quite frustrating when you would just want a good job, Peder Bent Ahrens experience with the good job seekers.

Læs mere Peder Bent Ahrens – Organize your work plan

Peder Bent Ahrens – Tips for Your Job Search Strategy

Peder Bent Ahrens - Tips for Your Job Search Strategy
Peder Bent Ahrens – Tips for Your Job Search Strategy

When you as a job seeker is looking for a new job, it is according to Peder Bent Ahrens important to you at the outset of your availability, has a workable and realistic job search strategy.

Peder Bent Ahrens he will give you his suggestions to do so without getting into complicated rocket science.

Læs mere Peder Bent Ahrens – Tips for Your Job Search Strategy